Title : Power Supply and Data Transmission of a Smart Trapping System for Insect Pests Application
Author :
Date : 0 2022
Abstract : Insect pests that attact coconut plantations can reduce crop productivity, and kill young plants by up to 25%. A system is proposed that can monitor insect pests on coconut plantations. A smart trapping tool capable of trapping and counting insects (ITRAP) has been successfully developed but has not yet been implemented in the field. The part of the ITRAP system that needs to be developed is the power supply system and wireless data transmission. The solution proposed is a solar panelbased power supply system and a data transmission system using long-range area (LoRa) technology. The power supply system can work optimally with 44.1 Wh of power storage. The data transmission system using LoRa successfully transmits data over 200 - 700 meters in field (line of sight, LOS) and with trees (non LOS). The system works in real-time to monitor pest count data, temperature, and humidity. Users can monitor through the website.
Group of Knowledge : Ilmu Hama dan Penyakit Tanaman
Original Language : English
Level : Internasional
Status :
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1 Power_Supply_and_Data_Transmission_of_a_Smart_Trapping_System_for_Insect_Pests_Application.pdf
Document Type : Dokumen Pendukung Karya Ilmiah (Hibah, Publikasi, Penelitian, Pengabdian)
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