Title : Probabilistic soft sets and dual probabilistic soft sets in decision-making
Author :

Fatia Fatimah (1) Prof. Dr.rer.nat. Dedi Rosadi, S.Si., M.Sc. (2) RB. Fajriya Hakim (3) Jose Alcantud (4)

Date : 1 2019
Keyword : Soft sets · Probabilistic soft sets · Dual probabilistic soft sets · Decision making Soft sets · Probabilistic soft sets · Dual probabilistic soft sets · Decision making
Abstract : Since its introduction by Molodstov [34], soft set theory has been widely applied in various fields of study. Soft set theory has also been combined with other theories like fuzzy sets theory, rough sets theory and probability theory. The com- bination of soft sets and probability theory generates probabilistic soft set theory. However, decision making based on the probabilistic soft set theory has not been dis- cussed in the literature. In this paper, we propose new algorithms for decision making based on the probabilistic soft set theory. An example to show the application of these algorithms is given, and its possible extensions and reinterpretations are discussed. Inspired by realistic situations, the notion of dual probabilistic soft sets is proposed, and also its application in decision making is investigated
Group of Knowledge : Statistik
Original Language : English
Level : Internasional
Status :
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