Title : Productive Plant Evaluation Methods Comparison Based on Digital Images at Tea Plantation Area
Author :

Prof. Drs. Agus Harjoko, M.Sc., Ph.D. (1) Roghib Muhammad Hujja, S.Si., M.Cs. (2) Lukman Awaludin, S.Si., M.Cs. (3)

Date : 0 2018
Keyword : Analysis of methods, classification, productive plants, image processing Analysis of methods, classification, productive plants, image processing
Abstract : In this study, an analysis of methods developed to evaluate productive plants has been carried out. The plants in question are plantation crops or agriculture in the broad area. The evaluation based on aerial photographs obtained from an unmanned aerial vehicle. The evaluation method is done by using image processing to determine the characteristics of plants in aerial photography. Classification of productive and unproductive plants will be analyzed using several feature extraction methods including Histogram, Local Binary Pattern (LBP), Structural Similarity Index (SSIM), Peak signal to noise ratio (PSNR), and mean square error (MSE). The results of this study which are useful method analysis for evaluating productive plants. The result will provide benefits to plantation owners or agricultural land, especially with large areas. This technology will be used to evaluate plantation crops or agriculture using aerial photography so that the evaluation process can be carried out without having to walk around the land that may reach several hectares.
Group of Knowledge : Ilmu Komputer
Original Language : English
Level : Internasional
Status :
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