Title : Purwarupa Mekanisme Akuisisi Data Rotary Vane Positive Displacement Flowmeter dengan Kompensasi Suhu
Author :

AHMAD FAJRUL FALAH (1) Triyogatama Wahyu Widodo, M.Kom. (2)

Date : 0 2014
Keyword : Rotary Vane PD Flowmeter, Temperature Compensation, Coefficient of Expansion Rotary Vane PD Flowmeter, Temperature Compensation, Coefficient of Expansion
Abstract : Rotary vane positive displacement (PD) flowmeter is included in the category of flowmeter that works using the principle of volumetric flow operation. Changes in fluid temperature will result in changes in the volume of fluid in the form of shrinkage or expansion. This research aims to design and implement a prototype of rotary vane PD flowmeter data acquisition mechanism with also include measurement of temperature as a variable compensation. Fluid flow is simulated using DC motors that rotate the chamber model, although changes in environmental temperature are simulated using a heating element. Temperature value is used as the reference standard is 15°C. Testing is done by providing a variety of setting value of expansion coefficient at 0,0007/°C and 0,001/°C, flow rate at 335 L/min, 506 L/min, dan 556 L/min, and also temperature setting value at 30°C, 35°C, 40°C, 45°C, and 50°C. The results is the highest volume compensation value is 65,854 liters, while the lowest value is 10,530 liters. Meanwhile value of volume and temperature, the higher the coefficient of expansion of a fluid, the higher the value of the compensation given conversely.
Group of Knowledge : Fisika
Original Language : Bahasa Indonesia
Level : Nasional
Status :
No Title Document Type Action