Title : Purwarupa Sistem Otomasi Buka Tutup Tirai Berbasis Light Dependent Resistor
Author :

Dr. Andi Dharmawan, S.Si., M.Cs. (2)

Date : 2011
Keyword : Microcontroller ,automation system ,light dependent resisitor ,light sensor ,RTC Microcontroller ,automation system ,light dependent resisitor ,light sensor ,RTC
Abstract : Curtains is a curtain that is used to close a window at night. Opening and closing the curtain is one of the activities that are conducted in domestic life, and usually we often forget to close the curtains at night while we are living traveling from morning till night. Prototype automatic curtains designed by using some of the components comprising: a drive wheel driven using dc motors are equipped with driver motor, light sensor using Light Dependent Resistor, IC RTC (Real Time Clock) DS1307, and control system uses microcontroller ATMega32. This system serves to control the opening and closing the curtains. In this system, which used a relay switch. Relay functions as inverting the polarity of the motor. Relay activated by the size of the light intensity obtained from the sensor Light Dependent Resistor. LDR resistance will change with changes in light intensity about it or around it. This prototype can also be run using the time setting. Motor rotation is controlled by the exposure of the sensor Light Dependent Resistor.
Group of Knowledge : Teknik Elektronika
Original Language : Bahasa Indonesia
Level : Nasional
Status :
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1 Purwarupa Sistem Otomasi Buka Tutup Tirai Berbasis Light Dependent Resistor.pdf
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