Title : Pycnarrhena cauliflora Ethanolic Extract Induced Apoptosis and Cell Cycle Arrest in Hela Human Cervical Cancer Cell
Author :

Prof. Dr. Mustofa, Apt., M.Kes. (2) Prof. Drs. Jumina, Ph.D. (3) MASRIANI (4) Prof. Dr. Dra. Sunarti, M.Kes. (4)

Date : 2013
Keyword : Pycnarrhena cauliflora, HeLa cell line, selectivity index, apoptosis, cell cycle Pycnarrhena cauliflora, HeLa cell line, selectivity index, apoptosis, cell cycle
Abstract : Cervical cancer is one of the most common cancer in female in the worldwide The purpose of this study is to determine the cytotoxicity and selectivity of the ethanolic extracts from root, stem and leavess of P. cauliflora on human cervical cancer cell line (HeLa) and to investigate its underlying mechanism of action. Three ethanol extracts of P. cauliflora were evaluated cytotoxic activities on HeLa and compared with normal African green monkey kidney ephitelial (Vero) cell lines by using MTT assay. The induction of apoptosis and cell cycle arrest were evaluated by flow cytometry. MTT assay indicated that the ethanol root extract exerted the most potent and the most selective against HeLa cells with an IC50 of 23.2 ± 0.75 µg/ml and a selectivity index (SI) value of 10.9. Flow cytometry analysis revealed that ethanol root extract induced apoptosis and caused cell cycle arrest at the G0/G1 phase. The results suggested that the cytotoxic activity of P. cauliflora extract was related to induced apoptosis and cell cycle arrest. Hence, P. cauliflora displays potential to be further exploited in the discovery and development of new anticancer agents.
Group of Knowledge : Ilmu Kedokteran Dasar & Biomedis
Original Language : English
Level : Internasional
Status :
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1 Pycnarrhena cauliflora Ethanolic Extract Induces Apoptosis and.pdf
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