Title : Rancang Bangun Quadcopter untuk Pemantauan Kadar Karbon Monoksida di Udara
Author :

Dr. Andi Dharmawan, S.Si., M.Cs. (2)

Date : 2013
Keyword : quadcopter, data, acquisition, carbon monoxide quadcopter, data, acquisition, carbon monoxide
Abstract : Carbon monoxide is produced from industrial waste is the result of incomplete combustion of natural gas and other carbon-containing materials. Because it is a poisonous gas that is colorless, odorless, and harmless, the gas is quite dangerous when inhaled by humans. Therefore, in order to prevent that, we need a system that can help determine levels of carbon monoxide a waste product of industrial waste in the air, which can reach places inaccessible by humans. In this thesis research on a way / alternative to help determine levels of gas in places that can not be reached by manusiayang implemented on Quadcopter. Quadcopter flying is a vehicle that moves using four propellers. Quadcopter made with aluminum main frame with the main controller arduino mega. The series is equipped with a 9 DOF Razor IMU module in which there are sensor ADXL345 accelerometer, gyroscope and magnetometer ITG-3200 HMC5883L to balance flight. Aktuatornya be 4 pieces brushless motor is controlled using PID algorithm. Quadcopter can be controlled remotely using the remote control. The program interface data acquisition carbon monoxide levels are used as a Ground Segment, which displays the carbon monoxide data acquisition and data from the dynamic flying Quadcopter themselves by displaying angles yaw, pitch, and roll as well as the motor speed data. At a height of ± 5 meters, Quadcopter can still take the data sample gas levels safely before stability Quadcopter disrupted because of the wind above a height of 5 meters.
Group of Knowledge : Ilmu Komputer
Original Language : Bahasa Indonesia
Level : Nasional
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1 Rancang Bangun Quadcopter untuk Pemantauan Kadar Karbon Monoksida di Udara.pdf
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