Title : Removal of ibuprofen from aqueous solutions by adsorption on tiny zinc oxide sheet-like structure
Author :

Maria Ulfa (1) Nurlaila Sahara Worabay (2) Mokhammad Fajar Pradipta, S.Si.,M.Eng. (3) Didik Prasetyoko (4)

Date : 18 2019
Keyword : zinc oxide, sheet like-structure, ibuprofen,removal,temperature zinc oxide, sheet like-structure, ibuprofen,removal,temperature
Abstract : For the first time, zinc oxide sheet like-strructure (ZoS) have been synthesized via colloidal templating methode using gelatin-block copolymer as template followed by high thermal calcination. Ibuprofen have been removed by the resulting zinc oxide sheet like-strructure sample at room temperature and human body temperature. Characterization of textural and structural resulting ordered zinc oxide sheet like-strructure was examined by XRD, SEM and FTIR. The hydrophilicity character of sample have been tested by xilene-water fusion. The temperature effect in ibuprofen adsorption have been reviewed and it appears that ibuprofen can be removed higher at human body temperature than at room temperature. Result shows that ibuprofen adsorption at high temperature not only increase the removal capacity of zinc oxide sheet like-structure but also stabilize the framework. For the future, zinc oxide sheet like-strructure coul be one of potential carrier material for drug delivery system.
Group of Knowledge :
Level : Internasional
Status :
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1 Removal of ibuprofen from aqueous solutions by adsorption on tiny zinc oxide sheet-like structure.pdf
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