Title : Reservoir Resistivity Correction Factor in Low Resistivity Pyritic Sandstone Reservoir
Author :

Dr. Sarju Winardi, S.T., M.T. (1) Dr. Ir. Sugeng Sapto Surjono, S.T., M.T., IPU., ASEAN.Eng. (2) Dr.Ing. Ir. Donatus Hendra Amijaya, S.T., M.T., IPM. (3) Dr.rer.nat. Wiwit Suryanto, S.Si., M.Si. (4)

Date : 16 2021
Keyword : resistivity, reservoir, pyritic sandstone resistivity, reservoir, pyritic sandstone
Abstract : The presence of pyrite in sandstone reservoir will cause a problem known as low resistivity reservoir case. The impact of pyrite volume in sandstone reservoir is very important to be determined, especially to conduct its resistivity correction factor (Rcf). This research used nine sandstone pseudo-cores with various pyrite contents. Some data parameters such voltage (V) and current (I) are directly measured and others (resistance R and reservoir resistivity Rt) are calculated. Resistivity of pseudo-cores data are calculated using combine method between Ohm Law and Wenner. The result of this research shows that pyrite will reduce sandstone reservoir resistivity exponentially. Pyrite will significantly reduce reservoir resistivity if its presence > 4% and the Rt need to be corrected. Plotting data between Rt and pyrite volume number for every Sw lines can guide us to built resistivity correction factor (Rcf). This Rcf will drive us to obtain original resistivity reservoir (Rto) from apparent well log resistivity reading (Ra) in case of low resistivity caused by pyrite mineral.
Group of Knowledge :
Level : Internasional
Status :
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3 Winardi_2021_IOP_Conf__Ser___Earth_Environ__Sci__851_012050.pdf
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