Title | : | Reservoir Resistivity Measurement of Pseudocore Sample at Laboratory Scale Based on Ohm Law’s and Wenner Method |
Author | : |
Dr. Sarju Winardi, S.T., M.T. (1) Prof. Dr. Ir. Sugeng Sapto Surjono, S.T., M.T., IPU., ASEAN.Eng. (2) Dr.Ing. Ir. Donatus Hendra Amijaya, S.T., M.T., IPM. (3) Dr.rer.nat. Wiwit Suryanto, S.Si., M.Si. (4) |
Date | : | 26 2019 |
Keyword | : | low resistivity,resistivity measurement low resistivity,resistivity measurement |
Abstract | : | Some researches on reservoir resistivity in laboratory such as low resistivity, tight reservoirs, fluid content, saturation etc. need a measurement of sample resistivity, both a real core or pseudocore. This measurement can be done in some methods. Those methods need to be calibrated with a medium that has certain value of its resistivity. This research tried to apply the Ohm’s Law and Wenner Method in measure resistivity of pseudocore in laboratory. This research used formation water with 20,000 ppm of its salinity that gived 0.30 ohm.m from standard catalogue. This formation water was measured its resistivity by Ohm Law’s method and Wenner method in pressure and temperature of laboratory condition. Electrode probe length of Wenner method which smaller than its total sample length was accommodated in some measurements of difference distance of electrode probes. The result of resistivity value from both measurements didn’t yet match with formation water resistivity from catalogue. The modification of Ohm Law’s and Wenner method than was designed in this research. With an additional of certain number as constant and its electrode probes that positioned at 1/3 of total sample length, it given a better result and closed to the value from catalogue. This approach method than was calibrated with other formation water resistivity value from different salinity and have a good consistent result. This research have found that a tube of pseudocore sample can be measured its resistivity in laboratory used a modification method from Ohm Law’s and Wenner method with certain additional constant. The equation form of that relationship is ? = (V/I)*(A/L)*(0.04/L). ? is reservoir resistivity in ohm.m, V is spontaneous potential of samples in volt, I is current in ampere, A is acreage of sample section in m2, L is 1/3 total sample length and 0.04/L is a constant. |
Group of Knowledge | : | |
Level | : | Nasional |
Status | : |
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