Title : Robust Cephalometric Landmark Identification on Cephalometric Downs Analysis
Author :

Ika Purwanti Ningrum (1) Prof. Drs. Agus Harjoko, M.Sc., Ph.D. (2) Prof. Dr. drg. Munakhir Mudjosemedi, S.U., Sp.RKG(K). (3)

Date : 0 2014
Keyword : Cephalometrics landmark, cephalometric downs analysis, PPED algorithm. Cephalometrics landmark, cephalometric downs analysis, PPED algorithm.
Abstract : Cephalometric landmark identification on cephalometric analysis Downs has been developed. Here we identify a 10 point landmarks used in cephalometric Downs analysis: Gnation, Gonion, Menton, Nation, Orbital, Porion, Point A, Point B, Pogonion, and Sella. The research was conducted in three phases: preprocessing, feature extraction and identification. In the preprocessing phase, the things we do are: image size normalization, Enhance contrast, and took the ROI for each landmark. We use of PPED algorithms for image feature extraction and to measure the similarity between the template vector and vector test, euclidean distance gives good results, despite the large number of image samples do not always give the results was always good. To improve systems performance, we use a multithreading technique. The experimental results showed that the methods used can work well although still found deficiencies and inaccuracies. Accuracy of projections mainly on bilateral landmarks greatly affect the outcome of the identification.
Group of Knowledge : Ilmu Komputer
Original Language : English
Level : Internasional
Status :
No Title Document Type Action