Title : Seismic Hazard Measurement of Earthquake Swarms Activity Based on Horizontal Vertical to Spectral Ratio Analysis (HVSR) in West Halmahera, Indonesia
Author :

Rohima Wahyu Ningrum (1) Dr.rer.nat. Wiwit Suryanto, S.Si., M.Si. (3) Dr. Estuning Tyas Wulan Mei, M.Si., M.Sc. (4)

Date : 0 2019
Keyword : HVSR, West Halmahera HVSR, West Halmahera
Abstract : The swarm earthquake that occurred in West Halmahera which recorded a lot resulted in damage to houses in several rural areas. Although human casualties are not too significant, they affect the stability and capacity of an area in terms of regional development. Mapping of seismic hazard zone is a solution to minimize the impact that will be caused by the earthquake. The purpose of the study is to initial mapping seismic hazard zoning based on Horizontal Vertical to Spectral Ratio (HVSR) analysis. The estimated values of the fundamental frequency range from 0.0 Hz up to 4.9 Hz increases with decreasing depths of basement rock. Regions with the lowest dominant frequency value are South Ibu sub-District, this shows that the area has a large sediment thickness and is a vulnerable area of high. Amplification value range of 4.7 – 51, where the higher the amplification value, the thickness of sediments. The highest amplification value area is Jailolo sub-District and is an area that has a high risk of damage if shaken by an earthquake. This shows that areas that have high amplification values are areas that have the greatest potential for damage due to earthquakes. Analysis obtained from the results of the data shows that the topographic influence is also very significant with the earthquake waves that occur.
Group of Knowledge :
Level : Internasional
Status :
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1 Ningrum_2019_IOP_Conf__Ser___Earth_Environ__Sci__279_012041.pdf
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2 IOP Conference Series_ Earth and Environmental Science, Volume 412, 2020 - IOPscience.pdf
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3 IOP Conference Series_ Earth and Environmental Science.pdf
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