Title : SI_2-topology on T_0 spaces
Author :

Chong Shen (1) Hadrian Andradi, M.Sc., Ph.D. (2) Dongsheng Zhao (3) Fu-Gui Shi (4)

Date : 0 2020
Keyword : T0 space, SI-topology, SI2-topology, sober space, ?-sober space,SI2-convergence T0 space, SI-topology, SI2-topology, sober space, ?-sober space,SI2-convergence
Abstract : This paper provides a new approach to defining a topology by using irreducible sets from a given T0 space. This derived topology, called SI2-topology, leads to a weak sobriety and continuity, called ?-sobriety and SI2-continuity, respectively. It is proved that the ?-sober C-spaces are exactly the s2-topological spaces on s2-continuous posets. Moreover, it turns out that the SI2-topology on a T0 space can be described completely in terms of convergence, and this convergence structure is topological whenever the given space is SI2-continuous.
Group of Knowledge : Matematika
Original Language : English
Level : Internasional
Status :
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4 HJM, Vol_ 46, No_ 2, 2020.pdf
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9 HJM (Email from managing editor).pdf
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10 SI2-topology on T0-spaces.pdf
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11 Hadrian Andradi - Google Scholar.pdf
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12 Andradi, Hadrian - Author details - Scopus.pdf
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13 HJM (Full Paper).pdf
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14 SI2-topology on T0 spaces.pdf
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