Title : Sistem Penghindar Halangan Otomatis dan Penahan Ketinggian Penerbangan pada Quadcopter
Author :

Dr. Andi Dharmawan, S.Si., M.Cs. (1)

Date : 2014
Keyword : Quadcopter, Distance Sensor, Obstacle Avoidance, Altitude Hold Quadcopter, Distance Sensor, Obstacle Avoidance, Altitude Hold
Abstract : This study was done to make the automatic obstacle avoidance system and retain flying height in accordance with a predetermined distance so that the quadcopter can make the flight without collision with surrounding objects . Automatic obstacle avoidance system and flight altitude holder made in this study utilizes Nano Arduino -based quadcopter . In quadcopter given the proximity sensor detects the distance function quadcopter with a nearby object. Proximity sensor that is used in this study is an infrared sensor to detect the distance to obstacles and ultrasonic sensors to detect altitude flying quadcopter . Proximity sensor emits waves through the transmitter, then the reflected wave will be accepted by the receiver . Obstacle avoidance system works by comparing the distance of the detected value to the value specified distance ( 70 cm ) . Difference in distance values are then used to manipulate the value of Desired Desired roll and pitch PID algorithm quadcopter . Calculation of PID algorithm generates the PWM value to drive the motor so that the quadcopter can avoid obstacles by moving towards the opposite direction to the obstacle . Quadcopter is able to perform the obstacle avoidance when quadcopter flying at a maximum speed of 167 cm / s . While altitude flying quadcopter controlled using PID algorithm brace height , so it can maintain a quadcopter flying at a certain height can be varied ranging from 100 cm to 200 cm .
Group of Knowledge : Fisika
Original Language : Bahasa Indonesia
Level : Nasional
Status :
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1 Sistem Penghindar Halangan Otomatis dan Penahan Ketinggian Penerbangan pada Quadcopter.pdf
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