Title : Smoking epidemic model with density-dependent death rate and numerical sensitivity analysis
Author :

Clara Mia Devira Simarmata (1) Dr. Nanang Susyanto, S.Si., M.Sc., M.Act.Sc. (2)

Date : 7 2019
Keyword : Mathematical Model,Smoking Model,Smoking-free equilibrium point,Smoking-present equilibrium point,Stability Mathematical Model,Smoking Model,Smoking-free equilibrium point,Smoking-present equilibrium point,Stability
Abstract : Tobacco smoking is one of the biggest health problems in Indonesia. The government has established policies to control the number of smokers in this country. In this paper, an epidemic model of smoking behaviors will be developed. The model divides the population into four classes, namely non-smokers, normal smokers, heavy smokers, and ex-smokers. In this model, the death rates of each class are distinguished and the density-dependent death rate is also considered. The discussion of equilibrium points and their stability is used to obtain qualitative information about the behavior of each class. The smoking-free equilibrium point and its stability are solved analytically while the endemic equilibrium point and its stability are solved numerically. The final section will discuss the effects of the rate of interaction that causes a non-smoker to become a smoker. The results of this discussion can be used as a consideration in determining the control measures for the number of smokers in this country.
Group of Knowledge :
Level : Internasional
Status :
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