Title : Some Properties Of A Generalized Trilinear Creation And Annihilation Algebra
Author :

Mirza Satriawan, S.Si., M.Si., Ph.D. (1)

Date : 10 2007
Keyword : quantum statistics,creation and annihilation operator algebra,permutation invariant quantum statistics,creation and annihilation operator algebra,permutation invariant
Abstract : In this paper I reintroduce a generalized trilinear creation and annihilation operator algebra (CAOA), generalizing the previous algebra of parastatistics proposed by Green and Govorkov. This algebra consists of several parameters, and was built merely from the permutation and contraction of the creation and annihilation operators. Some of the physical aspects related to this algebra are being considered, namely the state permutation properties, the symmetry type properties, and the existence of a unitary operator for realizing the permutation operations. In considering those properties, we restrict ourselves to three and in some properties, four particle cases. We show that if we imply the CAOA to obey certain physical condition, then up to three or four particle cases, the generalized trilinear CAOA will reduce to the Govorkov's algebra.
Group of Knowledge : Lain-Lain
Level : Nasional
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