Title : Spatial correlation between GRACE-based total water level fluctuation and GNSS-derived dilatation rate of peatland area in Kalimantan, Indonesia
Author :

Prof. Ir. Leni Sophia Heliani, S.T., M.Sc., D.Sc., IPU. (1) Cecep Pratama, S.Si., M.Si., D.Sc. (2) Ir. Nurrohmat Widjajanti, M.T., Ph.D., IPU., ASEAN.Eng (3) Drs. Danardono, MPH., Ph.D. (4) Dr. Ir. Eko Hanudin, M.P., IPU, ASEAN Eng (5)

Date : 6 2021
Keyword : GNSS, GRACE, Total Water Storage, Peatland GNSS, GRACE, Total Water Storage, Peatland
Abstract : Borneo Island is a home for world’s largest peatland with relatively straightforward tectonic movement. Those nature would be beneficial to illuminate hydrological cycle of the Earth-surface processes. We analyzed the Total Water Storage changes deduced from the Gravity Recovery and Climate Experiment (GRACE) satellite where its deformation may detected by the Global Navigation Satellite System (GNSS) network. We investigate the spatial correlation of GRACE-based terrestrial water changes and the GNSS-derived horizontal dilatational strain rate. We found that dilatational strain rate based on GNSS data shows negative correlation to the Equivalent Water Height (EWH) change observed from GRACE data. Hence, the extensional dilatation rate (> 20 nanostrain/yr) are observed exactly on the decreased EWH region (< -13 mm) while compressional dilatational region (< -20 nanostrain/yr) are observed in the increased EWH (> 20 mm) trend. Finally, we highlighted that precise horizontal dilatation rate of GNSS observation in Borneo Island is reliable for detecting seasonal hydrological water storage changes.
Group of Knowledge : Teknik Geodesi
Original Language : English
Level : Internasional
Status :
Under review
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