Title : Spatiotemporal variation of vertical displacement driven by seasonal hydrological water storage changes in Kalimantan, Indonesia derived from GPS observation
Author :

Prof. Ir. Leni Sophia Heliani, S.T., M.Sc., D.Sc., IPU. (1) Cecep Pratama, S.Si., M.Si., D.Sc. (2) Drs. Danardono, MPH., Ph.D. (3) Ir. Nurrohmat Widjajanti, M.T., Ph.D., IPU., ASEAN.Eng (4) Dr. Ir. Eko Hanudin, M.P., IPU, ASEAN Eng (5)

Date : 12 2020
Keyword : Vertical displacement,Terrestrial water,Rain precipitation Vertical displacement,Terrestrial water,Rain precipitation
Abstract : The Global Positioning System (GPS) Indonesian Continuously Operating Reference Stations (InaCORS) network has been used for various applications ranging from land administration to geodynamics. Crustal dynamic plays a significant role in almost all Indonesia regions except in Kalimantan Island since it's located on the stable continental plate. Therefore, the study of deformation in an area with less tectonic activity would be relatively simple to elucidate another terrestrial process. Here, we analyzed the deformation process in Kalimantan Island using continuous geodetic observation. We found that vertical displacement shows oscillation signals which are related to the hydrological cycle of water storage changes. Along with the GPS data, we utilized rain precipitation data to analyze both spatial and temporal variation of vertical displacement to support the hypothesis of elastic response to the load of water mass variations. Finally, we emphasized that continuous GPS observation in Kalimantan is reliable for detecting seasonal hydrological water storage changes.
Group of Knowledge : Teknik Geodesi
Original Language : English
Level : Internasional
Status :
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