Title : Spreading Dynamics of Corrosion on Material Surface Using Site Percolation Model
Author :

RAMADIAN RIDHO (1) Dr.Eng. Fahrudin Nugroho, S.Si., M.Si. (2) Prof. Drs. Pekik Nurwantoro, M.S., Ph.D. (3)

Date : 0 2017
Keyword : Spreading Dynamics,Material Surface Spreading Dynamics,Material Surface
Abstract : Spreading phenomenon is usually characterized by the existence of two competing processes. On the spreading of corrosion, competition occurs between the power of solution to corrode with the resistance level of a metal surface against corrosion. In the present study, we simulate a corrosion process using site percolation model to determine the spreading pattern of corrosion. The simulation results showed different spreading patterns and dynamics of corrosion when the value of corroding molecules was varied. The simulation results also indicate the emergence of two regimes that happens, the smooth regime and random regime. Smooth regime characterized by the shape of its corrosion face is almost the same as before, while random regime characterized by the appearance of the random spreading pattern on the shape of corrosion face.
Group of Knowledge : Fisika
Original Language : English
Level : Internasional
Status :
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