Title : Sterilisator Kemasan Veganektar Sebagai Solusi Peningkatan Umur Simpan Gula Cair
Author :

Fandika Agustiyar (1) SABDA ALAM (2) ALDI RIYANTO (3) DWI RAHMASARI F (4) NUR HIDAYAH (5) DEWI RIZQIYANA (6) Mokhammad Fajar Pradipta, S.Si.,M.Eng. (7)

Date : 0 2022
Keyword : contamination,ergonomics,sterilizer contamination,ergonomics,sterilizer
Abstract : The Women Farmers Group (KWT) Nira Lestari is a micro-enterprise engaged in coconut processing. The products produced by this business include liquid smoke, VCO, ant sugar, and liquid sugar. Liquid sugar products produced by partners have a low shelf life. The problems experienced by partners are due to contamination in the form of microbes so that there is a decrease in quality at a certain time due to fermentation. The purpose of this service activity is to design a sterilizer to improve the quality of products from partners. The methods used in this service include surveys of partner needs, preparation, tool design, tool making, tool testing, tool application and post-production assistance. The specifications of the sterilizer are UV box, timer setting and semi-automatic filler body. The results of the changes in partners are maintaining the quality of liquid sugar so as to increase shelf life and an increase in the production of liquid sugar "Veganectar". The implementation of sterilizers at partners will facilitate the packaging process at partners and increase the shelf life of liquid sugar so that the productivity and income of partners increases
Group of Knowledge : Lain-Lain
Original Language : Bahasa Indonesia
Level : Nasional
Status :
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