Title : Sub ppb CO Gas Measurement Using a Non Invasive QCL Laser Absorption Spectrometer Technique
Author :

Restu Widiatmono (1) Julien Mandon (2) Frans J.M. Harren (3) Prof. Dr. Kusminarto (4) Dr. Moh. Ali Joko Wasono, M.S. (5) Prof. Dr. Mitrayana, S.Si., M.Si. (6)

Date : 2 2015
Keyword : QCL,ICOS,CO gas detection,non invasive method QCL,ICOS,CO gas detection,non invasive method
Abstract : A sensitive gas detection system using a distributed feedback CW Quantum Cascade Laser (QCL) centered at 4610 nm as a radiation source has been developed. The QCL was used in combination with off-axis integrated cavity output spectroscopy (ICOS) for Carbon Monoxide (CO) gas detection at low gas pressures. A high-finesse 15 cm long cavity with an effective optical path length of 400 m has been used as a sample gas cell. We demonstrated detection limit of 1 ppbv with less than 2 second averaging time with a minimum detection limit of 0.4 ppbv for 128 s acquisition time. The results show that the QCL based ICOS detection system proved to be suitable for monitoring trace gas levels of CO with sub-ppb sensitivity.
Group of Knowledge : Fisika
Original Language : English
Level : Internasional
Status :
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