Title : Syntheses of Novel Pyrazolines as Antibacterial Agents from Natural Product Vanillin
Author :

AMRI SETYAWATI (1) Prof. Dra. Tutik Dwi Wahyuningsih, M.Si., Ph.D. (2) Prof. Drs. Bambang Purwono, M.Sc., Ph.D. (3)

Date : 0 2017
Keyword : Vanillin, Chalcone, Pyrazoline, Antibacterial Vanillin, Chalcone, Pyrazoline, Antibacterial
Abstract : A series of pyrazoline derivatives have been synthesized from natural resources vanillin and tested as antibacterial agents by diffusion method. Pyrazolines were produced from vanillin via chalcone intermediate. The structure of all the products was elucidated by FTIR, GCMS, 1H NMR and 13C NMR spectrometers. All the tested compounds showed their potential as antibacterial agents in broad spectrum. Inhibition value of all the active compounds was compared with standard drug tetracycline and DMSO 99.99 %. The highest antibacterial activity of pyrazoline was obtained by pyrazoline against Staphylococcus aureus (1000 ppm, 7.25 mm). Antibacterial tests of pyrazoline derivatives showed that N-acetyl pyrazoline increased the antibacterial activity at Gram-positive bacteria but decreased at Gram-negative ones. - See more at:
Group of Knowledge : Kimia
Original Language : English
Level : Internasional
Status :
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1 2017-Asian Journal of Chemistry __Amri.pdf
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2 Syntheses of Novel Pyrazolines as Antibacterial Agents from Natural Product Vanillin.pdf
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3 PEER REVIEW_ Bambang Purwono 13.pdf
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