Title : Synthesis and Activity Test of Coumarin-Chalcone Derivative as a Colorimetric Sensor for Chicken Spoilage Indicator
Author :

NUR HIDAYATI D D L (1) Prof. Drs. Bambang Purwono, M.Sc., Ph.D. (2) Dr. Muhammad Idham Darussalam Mardjan S.Si., M.Sc. (3)

Date : 0 2019
Keyword : Amine, Chicken, Coumarin-Chalcone, Sensor Label, Spoilage, Ultrasound Amine, Chicken, Coumarin-Chalcone, Sensor Label, Spoilage, Ultrasound
Abstract : Chemosensor of coumarin-chalcone (2) derivative has been synthesized and tested for chicken spoilage indicator. The compound (2) was synthesized from the reaction of 3-acetyl-2H-chromen-one (1) and vanillin with reflux and ultrasonic irradiation methods. The compound (2) exhibited quick and obvious color in sensor label for amines from yellow to dark yellow. Application to detect spoiled chicken showed that color of compound (2) changed at 12 h and 6 d in room and chiller temperature respectively. Thus, compound (2) can be used efficiently for decayed chicken detection.
Group of Knowledge : Kimia
Original Language : English
Level : Internasional
Status :
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1 2019-Symposium of Materials Science and Chemistry -Hidayati.pdf
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