Title : Synthesis of Biogasoline from Used Palm Cooking Oil Through Catalytic Hydrocracking by Using Cr-Activated Natural Zeolite as Catalyst
Author :

JUJARAMA (1) Prof. Dr. rer. nat. Karna Wijaya, M.Eng. (2) MUHAMMAD SHIDIQ (3) Ir. Moh. Fahrurrozi, M.Sc., Ph.D., IPU (4) Suheryanto (5)

Date : 28 2014
Keyword : Biogasoline,Used palm cooking oil,Catalysts,Cr-activated natural zeolite,Hydrocracking Biogasoline,Used palm cooking oil,Catalysts,Cr-activated natural zeolite,Hydrocracking
Abstract : This study was concerning on production of biogasoline from used palm cooking oil through Cr-activated natural zeolite catalyzed hydrocracking. Natural zeolite was activated using 6M hydrochloric acid. The precursor Cr(NO3)3·9H2O was impregnated on activated natural zeolite. Catalysts characterization including catalysts crystallinity using X-ray diffraction and catalysts porosity using the BET method. The used palm cooking oil was vaporized at 350 °C and then flowed into the batch reactor which temperature was set at 400,450 and 500 °C. Hydrogen was feed into the batch reactor at a constant rate of 40 mL/min. The variation of reactor conditions was with no catalysts,with zeolite catalysts and with catalyst Cr-activated natural zeolite. The product was then condensed in a water cooled condensor . The condensed products was analyzed using GC,GC-MS, ASTM D 1298, ASTM D 130, ASTM D 323 and ASTM D 86/99a to determine the formed fraction. The results show that the acid acti vation and impregnation reaction at zeolite samples can improve it crystallinity , surface area and pore radius. Active natural zeolite sample has a specific surface area of 43.815 m 2 /g while Cr-activated natural zeolite has a specific surface area of 89.514 m 2 /g. The highest conversion was gained by using Cr-activated natural zeolite catalysts at 500 °C reactor temperature which produced 76.44 % liquid product and 23.25 % yield
Group of Knowledge : Kimia
Original Language : English
Level : Internasional
Status :
No Title Document Type Action
1 Artikel-Karna-Jujarama-Published-2014-AJC.pdf
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