Title : The Characterization of a photoacoustic tomography imaging system and its application to distinguish healthy liver and worm-infected liver
Author :

LAILA NUR HANIF (1) Mirza Satriawan, S.Si., M.Si., Ph.D. (2) Prof. Dr. Mitrayana, S.Si., M.Si. (3)

Date : 24 2022
Keyword : photoacoustic,tomography,imaging,liver photoacoustic,tomography,imaging,liver
Abstract : This research is aimed to determine the performance and characterization of a photoacoustic tomography imaging system (PTIS) to distinguish between the healthy liver and worm-infected liver and to know the average sound intensity produced by the livers. The PTIS used a diode laser as a radiation source and a condenser microphone as a detection device. The mechanical system and the detector are controlled by a computer using Matlab and Labview software. The samples are healthy livers and worm-infected livers in chickens and cattles. The results of the characterization of the PTIS showed that the system can distinguish between healthy liver and the worm-infected liver optimally at 17 kHz laser modulation frequency and 50% intensity of duty cycle. The average sound intensity of worm-infected liver is higher than the healthy liver, thus it produces a higher contrast in photoacoustic tomography imaging results compared to a healthy liver.
Group of Knowledge :
Level : Internasional
Status :
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