Title : The Effect of Weathered Layer Thickness and Slope on Potential Areas of Landslides in Gerbosari Village, Samigaluh District, Kulonprogo Regency, Indonesia
Author :

NOVIA NURUL KHAYATI (1) Dr. Sudarmaji, M.Si. (2) Dr. Eddy Hartantyo, M.Si. (3)

Date : 23 2022
Keyword : landslides, weathered layer thickness, microzonation, HVSR , Gerbosari Village landslides, weathered layer thickness, microzonation, HVSR , Gerbosari Village
Abstract : Gerbosari Village has a history of landslides with intensity and risk of 56 occurrences over 5 years. Gerbosari Village, Samigaluh District, KulonprogoRegency is located at geographic coordinates 7◦38 '45.33 "-7◦41' 35.24" LS and 100◦9 '20.80 "-110◦11' 16.52" BT with topographic conditions at an altitude around 500 -1000 mdpl. This study aims to determine the subsurface structure of landslide-prone areas in the form of weathered layer thickness and the effect of slope in landslide-prone areas so that it can be used in making micro zonation maps of landslide-prone areas. This study uses 43 microtremor data with a distance between points of 650 m. The microtremor signal was analysed using the horizontal to vertical spectrum ratio ( HVSR) method. From the measurement results, it is obtained that the value of the dominant frequency ranges from 1 -22 Hz, the value of the amplification factor is obtained in the range of 1 -10.5, the value of the peak ground acceleration ranges from 60 -300 cm/s2, the thickness of the weathered layer is obtained in the range of 12 -22 meters. Based on the results of the slope analysis, the study area is on a slope classified as a bit steep -very steep
Group of Knowledge : Geofisika
Original Language : English
Level : Nasional
Status :
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1 Vol 7 No 3 2022.pdf
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Document Type : Dokumen Pendukung Karya Ilmiah (Hibah, Publikasi, Penelitian, Pengabdian)
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