Title : The kinetics of lattice distortion introduction and lattice relaxation at the surface of thermally-oxidized 4H-SiC (0001)
Author :

Adhi Dwi Hatmanto, S.Si., M.Sc., Ph.D. (1) Koji Kita (2)

Date : 1 2019
Keyword : lattice distortion, kinetics,activation energy,lattice relaxation lattice distortion, kinetics,activation energy,lattice relaxation
Abstract : The kinetics of lattice distortion introduction and lattice relaxation at the surface of thermally-oxidized 4H-SiC (0001) were investigated. Our results suggested that lattice distortion introduction and lattice relaxation seem to follow zeroth and second order rate laws, respectively. The obtained activation energy of ~3.9 eV for lattice distortion introduction and ~1 eV for its relaxation indicate that the lattice distortion is determined by a bond rearrangement or movement process with a relatively low activation energy. Furthermore, the formation of byproducts which remain at the surface region of 4H-SiC was predicted to be a possible origin of the significant lattice distortion.
Group of Knowledge : Teknik Material (Ilmu Bahan)
Original Language : English
Level : Internasional
Status :
No Title Document Type Action