Title : The Revised Method of Quantitative Detection of Animal-origin Bovine and Porcine Gelatin Difference Using Surface Plasmon Resonance Based Biosensor
Author :

Devy Pramudyah Wardani, S.Si., M.Sc. (1) Muhammad Arifin, S.Si., M.Sc., Ph.D. (2) Prof. Dr. Kamsul Abraha (3)

Date : 15 2019
Keyword : Surface plasmon resonance (SPR), biosensor, bovine gelatin, porcine gelatin, food halalness, quantitative detection Surface plasmon resonance (SPR), biosensor, bovine gelatin, porcine gelatin, food halalness, quantitative detection
Abstract : We have previously reported the surface plasmon resonance (SPR)-based biosensor ability for quantitatively differentiating bovine and porcine gelatin has been done by us before. However, it has some inaccuracies. By improving the method of detection, the results of this study show that the difference between bovine and porcine gelatin was more distinguishable. The sensor response models acquired were nonlinear as in the previous study. However, they show different characteristics. The sensitivities of the sensor obtained are higher than those of the previous ones, i.e., 3.04o and 4.29o for bovine and porcine gelatin concentration change of 0.1%, respectively. And the sensor’s LOD and LOQ towards both gelatin concentrations were 0.22% and 0.74% (w/w), respectively.
Group of Knowledge : Fisika
Original Language : English
Level : Internasional
Status :
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