Title : The Specific Factors Influencing The Intention Of Electronic Government Services For Libyans
Author :

SHOURAN, ZAIED (1) Prof. Dr. Tri Kuntoro Priyambodo, M.Sc. (2) Dr. Nur Rokhman, S.Si., M.Kom. (3)

Date : 28 2021
Keyword : eGovernment adoption, eReadiness, intention to use, citizen satisfaction, Libya eGovernment adoption, eReadiness, intention to use, citizen satisfaction, Libya
Abstract : This study aims to analyze the influences of Libya's eGovernment servicesand provide a comprehensive model. The analysis classifies eGovernment adoption in three models: intentions to use eGovernment services, eGovernment readiness model and user’ssatisfactionmodel.Aquantitative methodhas been used and questionnaires have been distributed to Libyan citizensonline using google form. With its structural equation modelling methodology, 554responses have been gathered from Libyan citizens by empirically checking the concept. Using PLSpackagein the Rprogram for analyzing the data. The main challenge for Libyans is what the critical determinants of their adoption of eGovernment are? Based on an extensive review of relevant literature, five hypotheses are formulated. Some factors are identified that may affect the Libyans' level of satisfaction towards using the Libya eGovernment services.Based on multiple linear regression and factor analyses, our empirical analysis demonstrates several key findings. These findings indicate the intentionofusingeGovernmentservices and website design as a moderator the key drivers of user’s satisfaction so as to provide feedback in a set of recommendations that will enable creating eGovernment services which are compatible with citizens' needs, desires, and expectations. Also,we found that user satisfaction is affected by eReadiness and Intentaion to use variables by 64.27 percent and the remaining 35.72 percent was influenced by other variables. Finally, implications and recommendations of these findings were discussed.
Group of Knowledge : Ilmu Komputer
Original Language : English
Level : Internasional
Status :
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1 5286-Article Text-9827-1-10-20210505 (1).pdf
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2 TOC-Vol_ 12 No_ 10 (2021) _ Turkish Journal of Computer and Mathematics Education (TURCOMAT).pdf
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