Title : The Total Edge Irregularity Strength of Uniform Theta Graphs
Author :

Dr.rer.nat. Yeni Susanti, S.Si., M.Si. (2)

Date : 2019
Keyword : Total edge irregularity strength, uniform theta graphs Total edge irregularity strength, uniform theta graphs
Abstract : This research is a development work on the total edge irregularity strength of series-parallel graphs. The total edge irregularity strength of series composition of isomorphic uniform theta graphs has been determined. But the total edge irregularity strength of uniform theta graphs itself is an open problem. In this paper, we determine the total edge irregularity strength of uniform theta graphs with one variable is fixed. In the end we determine the total edge irregularity strength of uniform theta graphs in general.
Group of Knowledge :
Level : Internasional
Status :
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1 Putra_2018_J__Phys___Conf__Ser__1097_012069.pdf
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