Title : The use of video processing for quadrotor flight stability control monitoring
Author :

Dr. Andi Dharmawan, S.Si., M.Cs. (1) Prof. Dr. Techn. Ahmad Ashari, M.I.Kom. (2) Dr. Agfianto Eko Putra, M.Si. (3) Prof. Drs. Agus Harjoko, M.Sc., Ph.D. (4)

Date : 2016
Keyword : Image sensors, Magnetic sensors, Gyroscope motion, Process monitoring and control, Units of measurement Image sensors, Magnetic sensors, Gyroscope motion, Process monitoring and control, Units of measurement
Abstract : The quadrotor is one kind of Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAV). Quadrotor has the ability to hover with minimal translational velocity approaching a stationary state. This capability is supported by the four rotors. These rotors are used to lift the Quadrotor to fly. These rotors are placed on all four sides of the tip of Quadrotor. In order to fly with good stability, we can use an IMU sensor (Inertial Measurement Unit). Imu sensor consists of some DOF (degrees of freedom) sensors, such as 3-axis accelerometer sensor, 3-axis gyroscope sensor, 3-axis magnetometer sensor, and so on in accordance with the needs of flight. To test the stability of Quadrotor can be done by utilizing the video and image processing methods. This processing act as the 'eyes' of Quadrotor. Sobel method as one of the image processing algorithms can be used to read the edges of the object. This method can measure the level of stability fly. But before reading the results of the edge must first be converted to black and white format. Otsu method can be used to perform the conversion. Then we find the center point of the result of the conversion of the object being viewed. This point can be used to read the movement of Quadrotor. It is used to determine the position of the quadrotor movement on vertical and horizontal axes. The position can be used as input to control the quadrotor flight stability.
Group of Knowledge : Ilmu Komputer
Level : Internasional
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