Title : Time-Dependent Water Absortion of Different Types of Root-Water Uptake From Periodic Trapezoidal Channels
Author :

Prof. Imam Solekhudin, S.Si., M.Si. Ph.D (1)

Date : 2018
Keyword : Time-Dependent Water Absortion of Different Types of Root-Water Uptake From Periodic Trapezoidal Channels Time-Dependent Water Absortion of Different Types of Root-Water Uptake From Periodic Trapezoidal Channels
Abstract : Time-dependent infiltration problems from periodic trapezoidal channels with water absorption by plant roots are considered. The problems involve four different types of water absorption by plant roots or root-water uptakes. The problems are governed by the Richards equation. To study the problems more conveniently, the equation is tranformed into a modified Helmhotlz equation. The modified Helmhotlz equation, subject to a set of boundary conditions, is solved numerically using a Laplace Transform Dual Reciprocity Method (LTDRM) and a predictor-corrector scheme simultaneously. Using the solutions obatined, numerical values of the water absorption by plant roots are then computed.
Group of Knowledge : Matematika
Original Language : English
Level : Internasional
Status :
No Title Document Type Action