Title : Tinjauan Singularitas Ruang-waktu dalam Teori Relativitas Umum menggunakan Software Maxima
Author :

Ibnu Jihad, S.Si., M.Sc. (1) Devy Pramudyah Wardani, S.Si., M.Sc. (2) Prof. Dr.rer.nat. Muhammad Farchani Rosyid, M.Si. (3)

Date : 0 2020
Keyword : spacetime singularity,blackhole,Schwarschild radius,Kretschmann scalar spacetime singularity,blackhole,Schwarschild radius,Kretschmann scalar
Abstract : Ringkasan Singularitas ruang-waktu pada teori relativitas umum telah ditinjau. Definisi singularitas telah diperjelas menggunakan kriteria singularitas berdasarkan skalar Kretschmann. Letak Daerah singularitas pada tiga jenis ruang-waktu pun telah diketahui berdasarkan perhitungan skalar Kretschmann menggunakan software gratis Maxima yang sangat mempermudah perhitungannya. Tiga jenis ruang-waktu itu adalah ruang-waktu bermetrik Schwarzschild, ruang-waktu bermetrik Reissner-Nordstorm, serta ruang-waktu bermetrik Robertson-Walker dengan model alam semesta Einstein-de Sitter. Kata Kunci : singularitas ruang-waktu, lubang-hitam, jejari Schwarschild, skalar Kretschmann. Abstract The singularity of spacetime on the general theory of relativity has been reviewed. The definition of singularity has been clarified using the Kretschmann scalar criteria based on the singularity. The location of the singularity region in three types of spacetime has also been known based on the Kretschmann scalar calculation using the free software Maxima which significantly simplifies the calculation. The three types of spacetime are Schwarzschild’s spacetime, Reissner-Nordstorm metric spacetime, and Robertson-Walker’s metric spacetime with the Einstein-de Sitter universe model. Keywords: spacetime singularity; blackhole; Schwarschild radius; Kretschmann scalar.
Group of Knowledge : Fisika
Original Language : Bahasa Indonesia
Level : Nasional
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