Title : TRIGEV: An Automatic Local Earthquake Events Finder Triggered by Large Earthquake from Worldwide
Author :

ANANG SAHRONI (1) RUSTI KURNIANINGSIH (2) Dr.rer.nat. Wiwit Suryanto, S.Si., M.Si. (3)

Date : 29 2021
Keyword : earthquake triggering, dynamic triggering, stress ,hazard,Python earthquake triggering, dynamic triggering, stress ,hazard,Python
Abstract : Large earthquake tends to trigger smaller earthquake at a wide range of distance. As the seismic wave from the earthquake is passing through a saturated fault, a phenomenon called dynamic triggering can occur. This phenomenon triggers the fault to rupture and emitting earthquake waves, promoting a risk in the surrounding fault that can be overlooked due to its remote source triggering. We promote a simple algorithm and program to find possibly dynamically triggered earthquakes using Python for previously occurring large earthquakes. This algorithm takes advantage of the fact that the surface wave, which is usually the main trigger, arrives after the S wave. By approximating this surface wave window, we can distinguish between probably triggered or not triggered events. The program usage is simple and provides automatic calculation from data downloading until plotting. To test our algorithm, we apply it in Indonesia focused in Sumatran and Sulawesi between 2010 until 2021 for Mw > 8.0 events and detected probably triggered Mw 3.6 earthquake by Mw 8.1 2019 Northern Peru earthquake and Mw 6.0 earthquake by Mw 8.2 2012 Indian Ocean event
Group of Knowledge :
Level : Internasional
Status :
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1 TRIGENV_Anang.pdf
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