Title : Tunable Rashba effect on strained ZnO: First-principles density-functional study
Author :

Moh. Adhib Ulil Absor, S.Si., M.Sc., Ph.D. (1)

Date : 2014
Keyword : Spintronics, Rashba effecr, ZnO Spintronics, Rashba effecr, ZnO
Abstract : We investigated the Rashba effect on the conduction band of strained ZnO using first-principles calculations. We found that the Rashba spin rotations can be inversed by applying biaxial strain. This rotation inversion is due to the biaxial strain changing the direction of the electric polarization around the Zn atom. We also found that the amount of Rashba splitting can be controlled by tuning the strain. These findings suggest that the strained ZnO is suitable for spintronics applications.
Group of Knowledge : Fisika
Original Language : English
Level : Internasional
Status :
No Title Document Type Action