Title : Two-Dimensional Warranty Policies using Copula
Author :

Dr. Adhitya Ronnie Effendie, S.Si., M.Si., M.Sc. (1)

Date : 0 2011
Keyword : Warranty Cost Model, Copula, Free Replacement Warranty Policy Warranty Cost Model, Copula, Free Replacement Warranty Policy
Abstract : In two-dimensional warranty model, we included two factors that simultaneously affect warranty cost, i.e. usage and age of the product. The warranty is characterized by a region in a two dimensional plane rather than an interval as in one - dimensional approach. Most of the results in two-dimensional warranty model are coming from analytical or numerical solution from given two-variables joint distribution function. This paper will give alternate way by using copula method combining functions that are already known. We apply this method in Free Replacement Warranty (FRW) policy from motorcycle’s warranty in Indonesia.
Group of Knowledge : Lain-Lain
Level : Internasional
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