Title : Urban Physical Characteristics using Logistic Regression and Grid-System: A Study Case of Yogyakarta Urban Area
Author :

Dhoni Wicaksono, S.Si., M.Sc. (1) Agung Jauhari, S.Si., M.Sc. (2) Dr. Taufik Hery Purwanto, S.Si., M.Si. (3) Karen Slamet Hardjo, S.Si., M.Sc. (4) Galih Satrio Nugroho, A.Md. (5)

Date : 0 2021
Keyword : urban sprawl, logistic regression, clustering, urban index urban sprawl, logistic regression, clustering, urban index
Abstract : The growth of urban areas is an interesting issue to study, considering the impact will be very dichotomy on the existing system in it. Growth can have a positive meaning when viewed from the perspective of increasing income, but can be negative when viewed from the perspective of environmental sustainability and disasters. On that basis, the SDGs goal number 11 was initiated, namely to achieve urban growth that is inclusive, safe, resilient and sustainable. As a first step, the need to map urban physical characteristics and urban area clustering has a high urgency. For this reason, this study aims to 1) examine the spatial relationship between built-up land and the location of the center of activity and accessibility and 2) compile an index of the degree of urban areas. This study uses a logistic regression approach to determine the relationship between built-up land and the presence of activity centers and accessibility. Meanwhile, to carry out urban clustering, an Urban Index (UI) has been compiled which considers aspects of dominance, availability and accessibility through a grid-system approach. The results showed that the accessibility variable was very dominant in influencing the distribution of built-up land. Then, the clustering of urban areas through UI shows that the northern peri-urban areas that enter the Depok and Ngaglik sub-districts show a relatively high degree of urbanization compared to other peri-urban areas.
Group of Knowledge : Hidroklimatologi
Original Language : English
Level : Nasional
Status :
No Title Document Type Action