Title : Utilization of Linguistic Data for Learner Assessment on e-Learning: Instrument and Processing
Author :

WENTY DWI YUNIARTI (1) Prof. Dra. Sri Hartati, M.Sc., Ph.D. (2) Dr. Sigit Priyanta, S.Si., M.Kom. (3)

Date : 8 2022
Keyword : learner assessment, e-Learning, linguistic data, e- Rubric, 2-tuple fuzzy linguistic learner assessment, e-Learning, linguistic data, e- Rubric, 2-tuple fuzzy linguistic
Abstract : The increasingly massive use of e-Learning illustrates the speed and need for innovation in learning. According to the National Higher Education Standards (SN- Dikti), constructive alignment is required between learning outcomes, processes, and assessments to properly implement learning in e-Learning. Assessment is an essential component of e-Learning. Unfortunately, the problem of assessment in e- Learning is still found. One of them is the limitations of e- Learning in accommodating and processing various assessment data, primarily linguistic. Even though the variety of assessment data, both numerical, linguistic, and a combination of the two, supports a comprehensive assessment. On the other hand, the accommodation of linguistic data raises problems regarding how to process of unifying linguistic data is carried out. Research related to linguistic data using computing with words has been carried out, but it still needs more precise results from the unification of the linguistic data. Therefore, this study proposes providing an assessment instrument to accommodate linguistic data in e-Learning, as well as showing how to process of unifying linguistic data is carried out using 2-Tuple Fuzzy Linguistic. This approach can avoid the loss of assessment information by presenting more informative and precise results in a 2-tuple !", $% where " indicates the ability level, and $ shows a comparison of abilities with other learners and the potential of the learner to achieve higher abilities. This proposal has the potential to be applied in a learner assessment system for higher education e-Learning.
Group of Knowledge :
Level : Internasional
Status :
No Title Document Type Action