Title : Verifikasi Dua Varian Protokol Ad hoc On demand Distance Vector dengan UPPAAL
Author :

IKA OKTAVIA SUZANTI (1) Prof. Dr.-Ing. Mhd. Reza M. I. Pulungan, S.Si., M.Sc. (2)

Date : 0 2015
Keyword : Protocol Verification, Timed Automata, AODV, UPPAAL Protocol Verification, Timed Automata, AODV, UPPAAL
Abstract : MANET is a group of wireless mobile that connected one to each other without fixed infrastructure so topology could change at anytime. MANET routing protocol has two models which are reactive routing protocol that built routing table only when needed and proactive routing protocol that maintain routing table periodically. General property which had to be satisfied by ad-hoc network protocol are route discovery, packet delivery and loop freedom. AODV is a reactive protocol in MANET that has time standard to determine how long a route is valid to be used (route validity) so route discovery and packet delivery property should be satisfied in a specifically certain time. Protocol verification process done by modeling protocol specification using technique, tool and mathematic language. In this research protocol modeled using timed automata which is a modeling language that could be used to model a time dependent system in each process. Verification using timed automata can automatically done by UPPAAL tool model checker. Protocol which will be verified are AODV Break Avoidance by Ali Khosrozadeh et al. and AODV Reliable Delivery by Liu Jian and Fang-Min. Result of this protocol verification prove that AODV BA could satisfied route discovery property and AODV Reliable Delivery could satisfied packet delivery property within their specification time.
Group of Knowledge : Ilmu Komputer
Original Language : Bahasa Indonesia
Level : Nasional
Status :
No Title Document Type Action