Title : Volcano-tectonic control of Merapi's lava dome splitting: The November 2013 fracture observed from high resolution TerraSAR-X data
Author :

Thomas R. Walter (1) Subandriyo (2) Prof. Dr. Kirbani Sri Brotopuspito (3) Hannes Bathke (4) Dr.rer.nat. Wiwit Suryanto, S.Si., M.Si. (5) Nurnaning Aisyah (6) Dr. rer. nat. Herlan Darmawan, M.Sc (7) Philippe Jousset (8) Birger-Gottfried Lühr (9) Torsten Dahm (10)

Date : 12 2015
Keyword : Merapi Volcano ,Dome stability,tectonic setting Merapi Volcano ,Dome stability,tectonic setting
Abstract : Volcanism at active andesite–dacite volcanoes is often associated with the formation and collapse of circular-shaped protrusions of extruded, highly viscous lava, the so-called domes, which are emplaced in the near summit region. Growing domes may experience stable and instable structural phases, with a gradual transition in between. Dome collapse and the break-off of instable blocks of viscous lava may lead to pyroclastic flows, one of the most lethal hazards at stratovolcanoes. At Merapi volcano, Indonesia, a new dome started growing in the summit region in the amphitheater formed in the course of the climactic 2010 eruption. Three years later, the dome reached a height of approximately 100 m and diameters of 220 and 190 m with a plateau-like surface area of 40,000 m2 approximately. On 18/11/2013, an explosion occurred without identified precursors, leaving a major fracture cutting the complete dome structure. Based on high resolution TerraSAR-X satellite radar imagery, we could identify the linear fracture, traceable over ~ 200 m in the long axis, up to 40 m wide. After geocoding of the radar amplitude imagery, the fractures azimuthal trend could be compared to other structural lineaments, indicative of a significant NNW–SSE structural direction that has formed on Merapi volcano in the past. The Merapi dome fractured in a NW–SE direction, and is consistent with the alignment of regional tectonic structures and of anticipated directions of pyroclastic flows. The fracture may be part of a larger volcano-tectonic system and may affect the dynamics and the stability of the Merapi dome.
Group of Knowledge : Geofisika
Original Language : English
Level : Internasional
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