Title : Wireless Sensor Node Energy Optimization Using Duty Cycle Method For Landslide Early Warning System
Author :

Roghib Muhammad Hujja, S.Si., M.Cs. (1) Lukman Awaludin, S.Si., M.Cs. (2)

Date : 0 2019
Keyword : Landslide,Data transmission, Wireless sensor network, Power optimization Landslide,Data transmission, Wireless sensor network, Power optimization
Abstract : Landslides have hit Indonesia for the past several years. The disaster killed many victims. Landslides are a natural disaster so that this disaster cannot eliminate. One rational solution that can do is minimizing the existing victims, where the solution represented by the Early Warning System (EWS) or an early warning system for the detection of the landslide [1]. Utilization of sensor network technology can be used to prevent an increase in loss of life, property, and environment in a natural disaster [2]. The operational mechanism of the developed EWS runs on the concept of Wireless Sensor Network (WSN) [3]. Until now, the WSN has a weakness in accommodating the use of power for each node. The existence of this weakness can disrupt the process of data transmission, which results in the system working less responsive and even lost information. The weakness influenced by the accuracy of the frequency of data transmission and supporting infrastructures such as processing units and battery sources. Therefore, this research focused on determining the appropriate infrastructure specifications supported by the design of the regulation of the frequency of data transmission in EWS landslides, on optimizing the use of power without losing important information.
Group of Knowledge : Ilmu Komputer
Original Language : English
Level : Internasional
Status :
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1 Editorial Board - International Journal of Scientific & Technology Research.pdf
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