Title : Xanthone as Antimalarial: QSAR Analysis, Synthesis, Molecular Docking and In-vitro Antimalarial Evaluation
Author :

JUFRIZAL SYAHRI (1) EMMY YUANITA (2) BETA ACHROMI N (3) MUHAMMAD HIZBUL WATHON (4) Rahmadini Syafri (5) Dr.rer.nat. Ria Armunanto, S.Si, M.Si. (6) Prof. Drs. Bambang Purwono, M.Sc., Ph.D. (7)

Date : 0 2017
Keyword : Antimalarial, Docking, Semi-empirical AM 1, QSAR, Xanthone Antimalarial, Docking, Semi-empirical AM 1, QSAR, Xanthone
Abstract : The rational design of eighteen new antimalarial compounds from xanthone derivatives has been conducted based on Quantitative Structure-Activity Relationship(QSAR) calculation using semi-empirical AM1 methods. The best equation model obtained from QSAR calculation was Log pIC50 = 2.997 - 29.256 (qO8) - 138.234 (qC9) - 6.882 (qC12) - 107.836 (qC14) + 48.764 (qO15). Among the designed compounds, 3,6-dihydroxy-9H-xanthen-9-one (26) and 3,4,6-trihydroxy-9H-xanthen-9-one (27) have been synthesized and investigated their in-vitro antimalarial activities against the chloroquine-sensitive 3D7 strain. An in-vitro antimalarial activity of compound 26 and 27 showed to be highly potential as antimalarial compounds with IC50 of 0.71 and 0.11 µM respectively. Molecular docking studies of compound 26 and 27 showed the formation of a binding interaction between the compounds with the amino acids Ala16, Ser108, Phe58, Asp54 and Leu46, which is the crucial amino acids for antimalarial activity based on the protein-ligand co-crystal structure of WR99210(1,3,5-triazine, a pre-clinical molecule as P. falciparum DHFR-TS inhibitor).
Group of Knowledge : Kimia
Original Language : English
Level : Internasional
Status :
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1 2017-Volume 33, Number 1 _ Oriental Journal of Chemistr2017--Jufrizal.pdf
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2 PEER REVIEW_ Bambang Purwono 8.pdf
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