Title | : | Zeta potential examination of β-carotene encapsulated in starch-chitosan/tripolyphosphate microparticles |
Author | : |
AGNES DYAH NOVITASARI LESTARI (1) Prof. Drs. Dwi Siswanta, M.Eng., Ph.D. (2) Dr.rer.nat. Ronny Martien, M.Si. (3) Prof. Drs. Mudasir, M.Eng., Ph.D. (4) |
Date | : | 24 2021 |
Keyword | : | Zeta Potential, B-Carotene,Encapsulation,Starch-chitosan/TPP matrices Zeta Potential, B-Carotene,Encapsulation,Starch-chitosan/TPP matrices |
Abstract | : | This study examined zeta potential of some encapsulation products of B-carotene in the starch-chitosan/TPP matrices. the effects of weight ratio of starch to chitosan, B-carotene loading, and tripolyphosphate (TPP) addition levelon zeta potential of the microparticle products were determined. The native and hydrolyzed starches as well as low molecular weight chitosan were used in the preparation of microparticles. The synthesis of microparticle was carried out by dropwise addition of ethanolic dispersion of B-carotene into the starch-chitosan/TPP aqueous mixture. The results showed that zeta potentials of all synthesized microparticles are between 5.8-13.2 mV with a negative charge, except for microparticle with the weight ratio of starch to chitosan of 4:16. The increase in ????-carotene addition level from 10 to 20 mg did not change zeta potential charge. From the variation of TPP addition in the range of 400-600 mg, it was found that the highest colloidal stability was shown by TPP addition of 600 mg for the composition of weight ratio of starch to chitosan of 10:10 and B-carotene addition of 10 mg. These results also confirm that the encapsulation products exhibit colloidal instability in water. |
Group of Knowledge | : | |
Level | : | Nasional |
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Zeta Potential Examination of ?-Carotene Encapsulated Ln Starch-Chitosan_Tripoly-phosphate Microparticles.pdf
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